Friday, May 13, 2011

A new project...

So, this still seems interesting, but we're focusing on a new project that more of our friends are interested in. OpenDice, an Open Source alternative to the most popular table-top fantasy RPG. This is being developed the UVOG Wiki. Take a look!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Armor List

Normal Armor
PriceNameDefSFNoiseWearRepair Hrs.
4Padded Armor+0108N/A
10Leather Armor+1216x1
16Hide Armor+2317x2
40Chain Shirt+3534x2
100Ring Armor+3215x3
120Scale/Leaf Armor+4466x6
120Brigandine Armor+4335x4
200Coat of Plates+6555x4

Heavy Armor
PriceNameDefSFNoiseWearRepair Hrs.
100Laminate Armor+5846x2
200Bronze Plate Armor+6984x3
800Iron Plate Armor+8983x4
1200Steel Plate Armor+8982x6

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Taming Resilience

We have been contemplating whether Resilience might be too powerful of a stat in our current system.  It basically works like Damage Reduction in D&D.  There is a minimum hit of 1 in our system when a hit makes contact, so for a Warrior who had +3 Res, almost every hit against him was only scoring a single point of damage.

Our new idea is to give the characters Endurance Points (EP) instead of Resilience.

They might work in the following way:


Endurance Points are spent by performing a physical action or by taking a blow.  Usually 1 point each.  EP can never drop below zero.  At the beginning of every turn, you recover 1 EP automatically (unless a status effect is preventing this.)   Therefore, you always have a minimum of 1 EP to work with in most cases when it is your turn to act.

If your EP is nonzero, it will absorb 1 damage point for you (after armor) when taking a blow (the way resilience used to, but limited to 1 point per hit.)  So +2 Armor, and 3 EP, if I am hit for 5 points, the armor takes it down to 3 points, the EP absorbs 1 (and is reduced to 2EP), and I take two points actual damage.   The cool thing about EP is that it wears down.   If two or three enemies attack you in one round, by the time the third gets to you, your EP is gone so their hit is more effective.

Ok, that is too complex.  It requires another set of counters to keep track of things--things that change rapidly--and we really don't want to keep track of more things.

Here's an attempt to simplify the concept and keep the same flavor:


After each action is complete you get your full endurance points back.  Every blow you take during the next round reduces your EP by one.   Whatever you have left-over when your turn comes around is usable for any action requiring a certain number of EP to perform.

The downside to this is that if you have 3 EP and don't get hit, you could perform a 3 EP action on one turn, then immediately repeat it on the next turn.  That's kind of contrary to the whole idea that it would track physical exertion when performing difficult feats.


The non-hit-related version.  You start out with full EP.   You spend EP as you use it.  You gain 1 EP at the beginning of each turn (unless a status effect prevents this.)

If you have 3EP, you can use all 3 points to do some amazing thing on your first turn.

Your next turn, you will recover 1EP.   If you attack, this will reduce to 0, so you decide to wait.

Next turn, you recover another and now have 2EP.   You decide to do a 2 EP action rather than wait it out one more round.   You're back to zero again.

Next turn, you recover 1EP.   You use a regular attack, and finish off the opponent.

This seems to be the simplest solution, by far.  The only downside is that enemies gain no particular benefit over you when your EP is at zero, and you have to track EP, but the EP doesn't change as frequently as in Proposal #1, so it should be much easier to track.

I think it would be easy to add a few rules to make up for the downside mentioned.  For example, when your EP is zero, maybe shields are ineffective, or maybe attackers gain a +4 bonus to Advantage against you.


Resilience works as it is now, except that you only get 1/2 Resilience protection against hits.

NPC's Tagging Along

I just had a little thought about the occasional NPC that might tag along with the party.  They could operate using a regular tactic roll like a Monster.  Could be fun.

Legendary Creatures

Just reminding myself to look at this on Wikipedia later:

English Legendary Creatures

My Conception of the Base Classes

I want to talk briefly about the six base classes and how I imagine them feeling.

The Mage

The mage will have high MP, but low HP.  A mage will tend to increase their Wisdom score as they level up, so that their spells will be more potent, but they may find value in raising their other statistics in order to become more durable in combat.

The Mage's deck will consist primarily of skill cards which grant additional abilities and higher levels of magic proficiency, and spell cards, which allow the Mage to utilize their MP.  The Mage will also have a monster card serving as a familiar.  The Mage may also have a few item cards equipped such as a cloak and staff.

The Bard

The Bard has decent MP and average HP.  A bard will tend to increase their Wisdom and Agility scores as they level up.  Agility will impove their performance abilities while Wisdom will improve their magical potency.  Bards do what they can to avoid direct combat, and their Strength and HP scores will be correspondingly low.  Their trade depends upon having an audience, and they work best in a group.

The Bard's deck will consist of skill cards, usually including at least one "entertainment" skill such as Music or Dance that allows them to enact spell-like powers without spending MP while focusing on the task of performing, as well as item cards, such as instruments or costumes that will enhance their performance abilities, and spell cards, which allow them to use their MP to cast low-level spells.

The Thief

The Thief has low MP and average HP.  A thief will tend to increase their Agility score as they level up, giving them more sneakiness as well as a knack for getting out of tight spots.  They may also find it useful to increase their HP or Strength if they find themself getting into a lot of scuffles, or their Wisdom if they want to improve their likelihood of accomplishing knowledge-oriented skills.

The Thief's deck will consist of skill cards, providing them with both social and combat abilities that others would consider too underhanded to employ, and an abundance of item cards, including tools such as lock-picks, light weapons such as knives, and valuables acquired during their adventuring, usually in transit to be sold for cash.

The Ninja

The Ninja has low MP and average HP.  A ninja will tend to increase their Agility score or their Strength or HP scores as they level up, doing all of this with a focus on effective, agile combat techniques, surprising their opponent with their speed and untrackable nature.  Ninjas may also choose to discipline themselves by devotion to the spiritual life, spending points in Wisdom to increase the effectiveness of their Chi-based skills.

The Ninja's deck will consist of skill cards offering a variety of physical or spiritual benefits, and item cards, such as throwing weapons, although many Ninjas prefer to fight unarmed.

The Warrior

The Warrior has low MP and high HP.  A warrior will typically raise their Strength score as they level up, to maximize the effect of what they do best: damage.  They may also choose to raise their other scores.  Some Warriors even decide to increase their Wisdom and MP to gain the ability to cast a very small number of primitive spells, trying to offset, at least in some small way, their greatest weakness.

The Warrior's deck will consist of skill cards offering greater weapon proficiency and the ability to perform certain acts of courage and bravery in the protection of others, and a few expensive item cards such as weapons, heavy armor, a helmet, and a shield.

The Paladin

The Paladin has decent MP and average HP. A paladin will typically raise their Strength or Wisdom score as they level up giving them more potence in combat and in their practice of divine magic, although some paladins may choose to ready themselves for a more defensive role by raising their HP.  Because a paladin is devoted to their deity, certain types of magic are forbidden to them, but other magic may be granted that is far more potent than what could be cast by a Mage of the same level.

The Paladin's deck will consist of skill cards and item cards much like the warrior, and a deity card and spell cards to aid in the practice of divine magic.  Many of the Paladin's skill cards will grant higher levels of proficiency in divine magic.  At 6th level, paladins acquire a mount and add a monster card to their deck.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Good Cause: Mario Marathon

Check out Mario Marathon, where they are earning money for Child's Play which gives video games to hospitalized children.